“I told him my story and he was shocked. He told me ‘feel better, good luck’, and left. He approached me again, but this time as he left I felt a huge smile opens in my heart. We talked about everything except my injury, and that’s what captivated me. Finally, someone saw me as a human being”.
In 1996 young soldier Michal Halevi was critically injured in a bus bombing terrorist attack in Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. After a three-month coma and a two-year rehabilitation she met Eli Harris, a rehabilitated IDF disabled veteran himself and a fitness instructor. An extraordinary love story blossomed between a severely disabled young woman and a sturdy and strong young man.
Performers: Miriam Engel, Sergey Shamota Singer: Inbal Gershkovits
©️ כל הזכויות על הרעיון, הפורמט והביצוע שמורות ללהקת המחול אנגלה – מרים אנגל
All Copy Rights of concept, format and operation Reserved to Angela Dance Company, Jerusalem, Israel – Miriam Engel